
Brief tribute to passion

Few things can awaken in me emotions so intense as to bring tears to my eyes. Even less numerous are the things that resonate so deep in my mind and heart as to generate that delicious feeling of sadness and delight, happiness and sorrow, that is often reserved to what we ignorantly call falling in love. And, mind you, I’m talking about things/objects, not facts or events of life, to which we are wired to respond in an emotional way.
Now, my life has been more or less emotionally intense for the past couple of months. Most of it had to do either with things happening in my life that were beyond my control or with things happening that I had caused myself. But that’s, as a good friend would say, situation normal. What always amazes me is my ability to respond in an emotional fashion to things or objects created by man.
One such thing is the final season of a TV show I much appreciate, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”. I’ve only watched the first two episodes, but I’m already immersed heart and soul in the beauty of it. And, in true romantic, what most engages my attention is the love story, as unconventional as it gets, but still just as passionate, or all the more so.
Passion, passion, passion! It ‘s what I breathe and dream and feed of. Life gets in the way and, more often than not, manages to numb my senses to the extent required for me to function “properly”, whatever “proper functioning” means in the eyes of the world. Go to work, hang out with friends, party, sleep, play, go through the motions of everyday life. But then I watch something like this I see and, most importantly, I FEEL the sparkle, the fire, the power and intensity of passion and I remember I am all passion and live happily again and burn out…
Spike’s demons were right. It’s never about right or wrong, it’s always about power. And power is intensity. Intensity is passion. I am so powerful.